Bernard C. Melzter / Malcolm Antell Co.
South Philadelphia Real Estate

Seller Services

Leading Listing Agent Program

Because we never accept listings due to the inherent conflict of interest, not everyone realizes that we specialize in helping sellers as well, providing the same extra quality care that we provided to our Buyers. We offer our former Buyer Clients, our new Buyer Clients and others the opportunity to maximize the equity on their present homes through our special Listing Agent Referral program which is outlined below.

As you might imagine, there are many potential pitfalls and dangers in listing your home for sale. We are prepared to help you address these issues at no cost to you. Following is a list of some of the services included in our Leading Listing Agent Referral Program.

  • We provide you with a list of two-to-four of the leading Listing Agents in your geographical area. We have prescreened them so that we know their background, their credentials and their productivity. You want to be sure that you are engaging a Leading Listing Agent in order to maximize your equity.
  • We advise and guide you on what to tell and say to the Listing Agent. Should you unintentionally say the wrong thing, this too can ultimately cause you a serious loss of dollars.
  • We edit the business issues of their Listing Agreement to protect you. There are generally many clauses in the Listing Agreement with which you will be unfamiliar that need to be edited or stricken to give you the greatest protection.
  • How do you know when to listen to your agent’s advice to accept a reduced price? We apply scientific statistical analysis as well as level testing to the activity generated by your listing to provide you with the knowledge you need. We have had situations in which the Listing Agent was pressuring the Seller to accept a lower price, but based on our advice, this particular Seller held firm and received an additional $20,000.
  • We monitor any potential problems which may be caused by the inherent serious conflict of interest caused by Dual Agency and/or Designated Agency. In our own personal family situation, our family would have lost $17,000 had we not been alert to the Dual Agency problem.
  • We review with you the potential Buyer’s qualifications. Many times the Listing Agent in their rush to sign an Agreement of Sale with the Buyer will overlook some of the important issues in the Buyer’s financial and personal background.
  • We review the business issues of the proposed Agreement of Sale with you. Again, many times the Listing Agent in their rush to sign an Agreement of Sale with the Buyer will be less likely to scrutinize these issues. We are available at the time of settlement in the event that our advice and guidance may be needed.

This service will be coming soon…

Malcolm Antell, Broker/President, Accredited Buyer Representative (CEBA, ABR, ABRM)
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